【氏名】石堂 伸夫
【氏名又は名称】石堂 伸夫
【氏名又は名称】植村 貴昭
【参考文献】製品紹介 ’05 TAPS and DIES、26頁、(特許庁意匠課公知資料番号 HC17055906 )
【参考文献】TRIUMPHTWISTDRILLCO.、53頁、(特許庁意匠課公知資料番号 HD05019143 )

This design registration relates to the shape of a die, which is a tool for threading the outer end of a metal bar. When threading an altered metal bar, it is first necessary to precisely align the center axis of the workpiece with the machining axis of the die hole. Without this alignment, threading will proceed improperly, and in some cases, the process may have to be interrupted. In order to achieve biaxial alignment, conventional dies require careful manual manipulation or guiding with other equipment. In the design registered die, the threading start depth of the threading hole in the die body is not set at the die surface, but at a depth from the die surface to the guide portion, where the metal rod to be machined is introduced without threading. By setting the threading start position at the depth in the middle of the die hole, it becomes easy to achieve the consistency between the center axis of the die and the center axis of the workpiece at the start of threading by utilizi ng the adhesiveness of the workpiece with the die for the length of the workpiece until the start of threading. The design of this die is characterized by the ease with which both axes can be secured. The time required for the threading process can be shortened while preventing defective threading due to mismatch between the two axes, eliminating the need for manual work to ensure proper die surface alignment at the start of threading and the need for guiding by other equipment.
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